Tag Archives: website

[WEBSITE TRAINING] The Nostradamnz

a while ago, I trained myself a little bit in HTML/CSS and I created 2 website samples. Just for fun, nothing serious. Both layouts also have a tablet/smartphone version. It’s all free style. So there is nothing added such as wordpresss or joomla.
I also created the step and repeat background myself which you can see in version 2.

login: nosta
password: nd2016

version 1
version 2

[Website sample] 3x

3 Website samples, which I proposed with to the music label.
But sadly they were not chosen. But be free to check it out.
Maybe I apply someday again.

LOGIN: dispina
PASSWORD: nd2016

WEBSITE SAMPLE 02:  VRZEL  – PC version only.
LOGIN: vrzel
PASSWORD: nd2016

WEBSITE SAMPLE 03: Vivalet – PC version only
LOGIN: vivalet
PASSWORD: nd2016

[Website] html/css training

Another restyled website from an official website. I didn’t want to make it looks much  much better than the official version. So I decided to keep it a bit more simple with bit of ugly design. It was more an idea to show a band member how to code a website in html/css correctly. But it seems he never ever checked my code. He said, thank you I will look at it. (^_^).  But until now their layout has never been changed and still has the same html/css code

Official website


My version.
Login: calmando
Pass: nd2016

All copyright belongs to the band.

[WEBSITE] Just Giselle

Purchased WordPress layout: Selfless. I didn’t change anything to the CSS, but I did fill up the website for this client. I also did install the wordpress layout. I did got this client via Burris, however because of some reasons she isn’t a client anymore so this website is out of use.


I also made her logo digital, please go here to check.

[Website] No Smoking Hotel

A few months ago, Masanori asked me to help him out with publishing his online novel because Facebook didn’t accept everything what he wrote. So I told him, of course I will help you. I created a free WordPress website for him filled with his novel which is published in English and Japanese which I should maintain and update for him.
Also if he has questions around facebook or any other social media websites, I always help him out.

Masanori Yabuki is a Japanese vocalist of the band Ant1nett. He toured a lot around the world.
Of course his music is also added on this website.
